In this day and age we are always on the move. Worrying that we lose time because we might miss out on fantastic opportunities. We act in a rush, without thinking things through. The guilt of not doing enough is really eating you up on the inside. You could have done more and if you push harder, you might finish before your deadlines and you could earn more money.
I myself, the writer of this blog post am very guilty of this move. What if what I do is not good enough? How can I be most efficient and get as much done as I can. How can I act but also be in a spiritual state? There are many people struggling with this notion. The stress of being spiritual, but also having to live in today’s society. Let’s go and look at the benefits of resting, instead of rushing into the stress we experience every single day. As resting is not a waste of time.
1. What gives you absolute peace?
Let’s start with diving into this first question. What is it in life that gives you absolute peace. Is it staring into the ocean, is it helping others, or do you simply need to be by yourself? Asking questions is a crucial way to get a better understanding of yourself.
Once we start to ask questions, we can open up our heart instead of our mind. The rationality of the day-to-day programming that we are being led to believe is the only way to move forward. Questioning yourself is a start to the ultimate bliss. What is real and what is learned? Rationality and your brains are necessary to study and learn, but in order to find your ultimate peace. You have to connect your mind with your heart.
2. The state of flow
This is a very powerful state to be in. A state that makes things less stressful. It just flows out of you. You do not have to force yourself into it. As this state comes straight from the heart. Therefore, it is so important to find what makes you smile in your everyday life.
A beautiful way to connect with your inner self. Once we are in a flow state our talents come out with ease. Your soul will guide you to the interest that you are being called to. But how can you be guided towards your path when there is a constant distraction of the outside world. The many media options that are available to you that tell you on how to live your life. The only one who knows what is healthy for you, what diet is good for you and where you respond best to is yourself. You can soak up all the information to then ultimately make your own decision.
3. The power of choice & discernment
How powerful can you feel when you know what it is that you want to do in your life. The only way to get there is to rest. And resting is not a waste of time as many think it is. When you rest, you can create space for something new to happen. For miracles to enter the space in your body. In times when you feel like your body is exploding with stress and worries, you do not have the space or capacity to make the healthy decisions that are very necessary for you.
We live in a society that is very much focused on doing vs. being. To act on something is definitely not something wrong. However, if only you do and give, you do not have time to receive anything. What we think is receiving is very often related to receiving love or money from others. But what if receiving is related to giving to yourself, and is connecting with the divine. You are never separating from it, always united with it.
4. Reconnect with the divine
We talked above here about reconnecting with the divine and how that might be a challenge when you are constantly on the go. Standing still and resting brings in the opportunity to have an overview of your life. You can look back and see what you would like to change, what you are so very grateful for and where you would like to go next.
Instead of being impatient because the answer is not coming to you right away, why don´t you give it time. You can take out a little rest each day. I certainly can’t look into your life, but I can help you understand that you do not have to feel guilty for taking the rest your body is so asking for. Let God or the universe in your heart, and let it refill you with joy. The joy that you might not have felt, because you have been running in directions that are not for the highest purpose of your soul.
5. Illness asks for rest
When we ignore our body for too long, your body needs a way of expressing itself. It wants to tell you that it has been enough. It is time to let go of the “have to,” so you can see a way that might be less stressful for you.
Illness and depression are a result of ignoring the signals the universe has been putting out to you. A buildup of tension and imbalance in certain areas in your life. What are you trying to ignore that your body is trying to tell you? Do some research online or via books what each part of your body stands for, so you can investigate what in life you need to heal. You can also ask your body in a meditation what it actually wants you to heal.
6. Is waiting a scary thought for you?
Often we rush because we feel uncomfortable with the wait. The best things take patience in life. Do you think if you push for it in the moment, you can make it happen? We always think we are in control of the universe, but this is not always true. Anything can change in the blink of an eye. What is most important is that you spend your days enjoying the journey. The ups and the downs. After a very rushed period, your body is asking for a holiday or some time in stillness, so you can reflect upon everything that you have been through.
We think we should be scared, since every day could be our last day and you might miss out. But isn’t it true that the universe won’t let you miss out on what you have to learn. What would be most important to your soul. It is not always about what we want, it is about what we need in order to feel fulfilled and to learn the lessons that make us grow. Some people have indeed a bit harder lessons than others. You get what your soul can handle, and it is best not to judge what you can handle vs. other people. We all have our own lessons to learn and to grow.
7. Do not judge yourself
Are you being hard on yourself? More than you should? This is often a result of thinking you are not good enough. And when this wound is present, you feel like you can´t rest. And that resting would be a waste of time. But is it truly? Is a good thought out plan not better than a rushed plan?
Take your time defining what it is you want to focus on. Practice your skillset, take your time setting up your business, even though if that means that maybe you have to work some hours on the side. Jumping into something new can be exhilarating and fun, but it depends on your situation if that is a smart decision to take. Feel in your body what you have to do. Your intuition will guide you into making the right decision. And even a decision that seems wrong to you, can turn out in a situation that will teach you more than ever. After that you could be ready for what it is that you so want.
8. Trauma can come out in stillness
Humans can go for years without facing their traumas. This is because you are not ready to really face them. It could be that you have too much to do and there is no space yet for them to come out. Once the time is right and you are able to spend some time in stillness, you can come back to yourself. Your traumas can teach you what patterns you can break. What to focus on in order to change the life you live. Only with awareness we can see what went wrong and what we can do to let go of it once and for all. Be patient with yourself when the patterns are not fully gone yet immediately. Give yourself peace and patience to follow through. We also have things like our past lives that can influence some of our traumatic and karmic events in our lives.
Conclusion why resting is not a waste of time
In this very masculine (energy) planet, where there is a lot of focus on capitalism and achieving your goals, there is only a little focus on rest. Not only does this world not always give you the time to rest. Once the opportunity is there, a lot of people do not take the time to sit still and to reconnect with themselves. Now is the time to allow yourself to do it once more.
Know that you deserve to rest and that it can recharge you, so you have more energy to make the decisions that are according to your alignment. Peace can lead to love and that would be the highest vibration you can live on. When you put love into your work, people can feel it and will be attracted to the love your represent. I hope this article will help you understand that it is perfectly fine to take some rest once in a while, and that your soul deserves it. Especially, with all the triggers all around us in our day to day life.
Much love, stillness and peace,
The Mindful Magazine