Inspiring Quotes & Poems, Mindfulness

The illusion of fear

Fear is in the words of thought
Never beaten by the consequences
A wall so high, constantly speaking
Off the record in the lyrics of life
Barely in agreement
Dreams are postponed
Am I good enough?

What will become of me
Lost in translation
Not seeing anything clear
A willingness to forget the light of life
As long as the spotlight shines somewhere else
Not praising the beauty of confirmation
Making a ridicule of thyself
Blaming others for your despair

Rising to the understanding of self-love
Understood by a very few that hold the key
The key to unlock powers of achievement
Understanding the deception of the barricade
I see no more loose ends
They are tied back together as one
Like two energies as a whole
Yin and yang perfectly balanced
I am ready to walk in far-off lands
Because in the end it is clear,
that fear is the illusion of the unknown
It is not tangible, it is not fixed
It is low-hanging fruit for you to grasp

I am ready to move on
My fears washed away
Nothing will stop me from running
As I am my greatest wish
Embracing the magic of opportunities
I am no longer afraid, I am complete

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