
The law of attraction: How to attract love and materials?

Many of us have heard of the law of attraction. What is exactly the law of attraction and how can you apply it into your daily life. Do not think you need to have superpowers to attract the events, materials or people you like.

Attract love by the law of attraction

Firstly, when you want to attract a specific person into your life, it is non-voluntary. What I always say is, what is it you want? Would you like to have love. Do not wait for that specific person to like you. Instead, raise your vibration by meditation and wish for your soulmate. In that case the right person will be coming your way. And that is what we want isn’t it!

The law of attraction: How to attract love and materials?

Love affirmations

Say the affirmation to attract as following:

– I have/ am love
– I am open to love
– Love is easily coming my way
– My soulmate is here
– I have my soulmate
– I am in a relationship

You act like you already have something, the energies of having it already are already out. You can’t go against an energy that is already confirmed, like a person with self-confidence. Attracting love is what many of you are looking for.

Although be very aware that you are getting what you are asking for. However, if you are on a lower frequency and you are not loving yourself, you are most likely attracting another partner on the same frequency with the same problems that you are facing. So my true advice is to focus on loving yourself first, by raising your frequency.

How to raise your frequency?

The higher your frequency is, the more effect will your manifestations have. See here why:

1. You become closer to your true self
2. You will feel better in general (because of raising energies)
3. You attract more positivity in your life (imagine even trying to manifest!)
4. The closer you are to source, the more effect manifestations will have

So what can you do to raise your vibrations/ frequency? See here a few tips:

1. You can eat lighter food (Vegan, vegetarian) or even fasting
2. Meditating helps! See my video here.
3. Try to solve your past (a clean slate will help you raise) you become literally lighter.
4. Know your chakras (See my self-healing video) and deblock them one by one.
5. Forgive yourself and others (It is not easy, but you can do it!)
6. Start giving complements to yourself (Start with loving yourself first). Love yourself like how others          you would like to treat you!
7. Spend time in nature, nature has answers and relaxation for you in store. Back to basics indeed!

How to attract money and/ or materials?

As we all know, we should first start to be abundant. We HAVE enough and you ARE enough. There is nothing more needed to fulfill the person you are. Do not depends on outside factors and outside fulfillments.

The law of attraction: How to attract love and materials?

Sometimes we do need materials or money. If we would like to pursue a dream that fits your soul purpose, or you need money to pay for the hospital bills or any other situation. Then the law of attraction will come in handy!

In the following steps I explain how to attract by means of the law of attraction:

1. First set an intention (what would you like to attract, with a good heart (emphasize)!
2. Feel the intention with you whole being (emphasize it in a meditation)
3. Every day, you repeat the affirmations as the example I gave for love
4. Repeat it for about 30 days.
5. Let go on how it happens (do not hang on to it)
6. Feel it and let go (create space)
7. The divine will now decide the time for you ( divine time is not our clock time)
8. Be patient (most important!) Do not wait for it, expect it. It will come.

Be careful what you wish for

Hopefully, you are closer to attraction the best life possible for your being. We wouldn’t like to have a life full of karma and pay the debts in this or one of our next lives! We should handle the law of attraction with respect. We can ask for what we want, but it can come in any way. If you ask for money, you can receive it in various ways, it might not be a way that you like. Therefore, I recommend you to be super specific and help the universe a little!

How to create space for it to happen?

In order for the law of attraction to work, we need to create space to let things happen. See the example that has been given many times. You can’t fill a cup that is already full. Empty your cup and let it fill itself. Like the cup is not filled with water, but maybe with air. It will never be empty. Do not expect it to be empty.

In every situation, space is key. In order to become spiritually aware, you need to create space for the energies to fill up your body. Space creates a home, space creates comfort and create a place to love someone.

13 thoughts on “The law of attraction: How to attract love and materials?

  1. […] This doesn’t necessarily have to be something that is taught. It is something that you came to earth for. Something that you are pursuing, because you are meant to. The soul does not know boundaries or borders of countries. It does not limit itself to what is taught. It wants to expand and learn. According to these desires, you create your friends, your chosen family and all around you. Yes, in a way that is the manifestation coming into realization. […]

  2. […] So what about your future? We all have wishes on how our future wants to look like. I guess here the law of attraction comes in order. You can live in the moment, while setting intentions for the future. You can hold the thoughts of your perfect future in your heart, and then you let it go. Read more in my blog post about the law of attraction. […]

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